Monday, 28 October 2013

sculptural qualities

It was said of Andy Warhol that he had "an appreciation of the inherent sculptural qualities of objects), and indeed his "Brillo Box" assemblage shows what a master can do with a group of industrial products.
While handling a lot of tools at the Shed as I help sort them out and use them, I have become aware of many the objects as beautiful examples of industrial design with powerful inherent sculptural qualities in their own right - in particular some of the chisels, files, and now taps (as in taps & dies), and years of use add a history to their edges and surfaces.
I am presently working on a new series of industrial jewelry using these and other objects.
Below are a couple of close-up photos of an old rusting tap (used for cutting a thread into a piece of metal to take a bolt.....imagine the first image below as if it were two or three metres high - to me something worthy of comparison with Jacob Epstein's "Rock Drill".

"Brillo Boxes"

Thursday, 24 October 2013

"much more than a man cave"

NZ Herald columnist Peter Calder visited our Shed on Monday, with a photographer, and the article below was in the Herald on Wednesday.

above: Laurie helps me with a chopping board

veneer and laminated wood

Last week Men's Shed North Shore member Bob Stirk gave us a demonstration of vacuum-forming veneer. This is a process (on a much larger scale) used to make the Americas Cup boats. Bob uses pieces of curved veneer and laminated wood to make some very interesting furniture.

Bob kindly gave me a piece of this laminate to make some jewellery with.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

latest technology at the men's shed

Constantin in building his third 3D printer. Fellow Men's Shed North Shore member Geoff and Shed Chairman Ross have been giving him a hand.
Below: Constantin & Geoff at the drill press:
Below: Constantin & Ross cutting aluminum on the sawbench:

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

road trip to whangarei

Last week I went up to visit chums at Waipu - I found a tasty piece of road-kill on the way...
...which made a delicious roast dinner with fruit gravy:
I spent a day at the Whangarei Community Mens Shed. They have just purchased the old goods railway station from the Council for 0ne dollar, and are in the process of moving in. The place has been knocked around after being vacant for 15 years, but will make a great venue in time. I plan to get up there again later this month to help with the move....