Thursday, 29 January 2015

next shed bbq

Our monthly BBQ's at the Mens's Shed North Shore will resume this coming Wednesday 4th February @ noon. 34 Elliott Ave, Glenfield, Auckland.
Members, friends, supporters, and family are all welcome.
Please bring your choice of protein to cook, as well as some food (eg salad) to share. Bread/sauces/tea/coffee will be available. A gold coin donation towards our Xmas fund would be appreciated
This offers a  great chance to meet Shed members and to have a look around our exceptional facility, and the community projects we are working on.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

a generous donation

The Men's Shed North Shore is open again for 2015 as from 19th January.
Gavin joins in
On Wednesday I took in a box of power tools which had been given to me for the Shed from a supporter who wishes to remain anonymous.
Below - three of the trustees check out the equipment:
David & Dave inspect a drill

A loose blade!

Another skill saw