Discussions among retired members of our Shed have covered topics such as time no longer being a major issue. After years of watching the clock, the adage “time is money” no longer applies.
Similarly, we find that there is no longer pressure for us to be result-orientated. Shed members are enjoying leisure pursuits and hobbies, as well as savouring pottering with projects.
One such is Norm. For the past two years he has been working on a mysterious musical instrument of his own invention which will run on compressed air - automatically generating melodies and harmonies.
The plans for this wonder appear to only exist in his head, as no-one else has ever seen them. Each week he beings in an entirely different component which requires exact machining and calibration. He has been all over the city sourcing obscure materials and parts, and is always getting something laser-cut, or 3D printed. In his travels he consults with electricians, engineers, scientists and boffins of all descriptions.
It would appear from what he says that after two years he is no closer to finishing the instrument than he was when he started, due to continuing technical refinements and radical design developments. His wife is continually asking when he will complete this project and have “something to show” for all his work.
Norm said to me the other day “She keeps on at me about finishing this thing, but if I DO - what am I going to do next?”
The guys at the Shed understand.